





poll在1986年诞生于System V Release 3,它和select在本质上没有多大差别,但是poll没有最大文件描述符数量的限制。


另外,select()和poll()将就绪的文件描述符告诉进程后,如果进程没有对其进行IO操作,那么下次调用select()和poll()的时候将再次报告这些文件描述符,所以它们一般不会丢失就绪的消息,这种方式称为水平触发(Level Triggered)。



epoll可以同时支持水平触发和边缘触发(Edge Triggered,只告诉进程哪些文件描述符刚刚变为就绪状态,它只说一遍,如果我们没有采取行动,那么它将不会再次告知,这种方式称为边缘触发),理论上边缘触发的性能要更高一些,但是代码实现相当复杂。



使用 select :

在python中,select函数是一个对底层操作系统的直接访问的接口。它用来监控sockets、files和pipes,等待IO完成(Waiting for I/O completion)。当有可读、可写或是异常事件产生时,select可以很容易的监控到。
select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist[, timeout]) 传递三个参数,一个为输入而观察的文件对象列表,一个为输出而观察的文件对象列表和一个观察错误异常的文件列表。第四个是一个可选参数,表示超时秒数。其返回3个tuple,每个tuple都是一个准备好的对象列表,它和前边的参数是一样的顺序。下面,主要结合代码,简单说说select的使用。
2、首先建立一个TCP/IP socket,并将其设为非阻塞,然后进行bind和listen。

'''Created on 2012-1-6The echo server example from the socket section can be extanded to watche for more thanone connection at a time by using select() .The new version starts out by creating a nonblockingTCP/IP socket and configuring it to listen on an address@author: xiaojay'''import selectimport socketimport Queue             #create a socketserver = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)server.setblocking(False)#set option reusedserver.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR  , 1)             server_address= ('',10001)server.bind(server_address)             server.listen(10)             #sockets from which we except to readinputs = [server]             #sockets from which we expect to writeoutputs = []             #Outgoing message queues (socket:Queue)message_queues = {}             #A optional parameter for select is TIMEOUTtimeout = 20             while inputs:    print "waiting for next event"    readable , writable , exceptional = select.select(inputs, outputs, inputs, timeout)                 # When timeout reached , select return three empty lists    if not (readable or writable or exceptional) :        print "Time out ! "        break;      for s in readable :        if s is server:            # A "readable" socket is ready to accept a connection            connection, client_address = s.accept()            print "    connection from ", client_address            connection.setblocking(0)            inputs.append(connection)            message_queues[connection] = Queue.Queue()        else:            data = s.recv(1024)            if data :                print " received " , data , "from ",s.getpeername()                message_queues[s].put(data)                # Add output channel for response                  if s not in outputs:                    outputs.append(s)            else:                #Interpret empty result as closed connection                print "  closing", client_address                if s in outputs :                    outputs.remove(s)                inputs.remove(s)                s.close()                #remove message queue                del message_queues[s]    for s in writable:        try:            next_msg = message_queues[s].get_nowait()        except Queue.Empty:            print " " , s.getpeername() , 'queue empty'            outputs.remove(s)        else:            print " sending " , next_msg , " to ", s.getpeername()            s.send(next_msg)                     for s in exceptional:        print " exception condition on ", s.getpeername()        #stop listening for input on the connection        inputs.remove(s)        if s in outputs:            outputs.remove(s)        s.close()        #Remove message queue        del message_queues[s]


'''Created on 2012-1-5The example client program uses some sockets to demonstrate how the serverwith select() manages multiple connections at the same time . The clientstarts by connecting each TCP/IP socket to the server@author: peter'''        import socket        messages = ["This is the message" ,            "It will be sent" ,            "in parts "]        print "Connect to the server"        server_address = ("",10001)        #Create a TCP/IP sock        socks = []        for i in range(10):    socks.append(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM))        for s in socks:    s.connect(server_address)        counter = 0for message in messages :    #Sending message from different sockets    for s in socks:        counter+=1        print "  %s sending %s" % (s.getpeername(),message+" version "+str(counter))        s.send(message+" version "+str(counter))    #Read responses on both sockets    for s in socks:        data = s.recv(1024)        print " %s received %s" % (s.getpeername(),data)        if not data:            print "closing socket ",s.getpeername()            s.close()



'''Created on 2012-1-6The poll function provides similar features to select() , but the underlying implementation is more efficient.But poll() is not supported under windows .@author: xiaojay'''import socketimport selectimport Queue    # Create a TCP/IP socket, and then bind and listenserver = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)server.setblocking(False)server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)server_address = ("", 10001)    print  "Starting up on %s port %s" % server_addressserver.bind(server_address)server.listen(5)message_queues = {}#The timeout value is represented in milliseconds, instead of seconds.timeout = 1000# Create a limit for the eventREAD_ONLY = ( select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI | select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR)READ_WRITE = (READ_ONLY|select.POLLOUT)# Set up the pollerpoller = select.poll()poller.register(server,READ_ONLY)#Map file descriptors to socket objectsfd_to_socket = {server.fileno():server,}while True:    print "Waiting for the next event"    events = poller.poll(timeout)    print "*"*20    print len(events)    print events    print "*"*20    for fd ,flag in  events:        s = fd_to_socket[fd]        if flag & (select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI) :            if s is server :                # A readable socket is ready to accept a connection                connection , client_address = s.accept()                print " Connection " , client_address                connection.setblocking(False)                                    fd_to_socket[connection.fileno()] = connection                poller.register(connection,READ_ONLY)                                    #Give the connection a queue to send data                message_queues[connection]  = Queue.Queue()            else :                data = s.recv(1024)                if data:                    # A readable client socket has data                    print "  received %s from %s " % (data, s.getpeername())                    message_queues[s].put(data)                    poller.modify(s,READ_WRITE)                else :                    # Close the connection                    print "  closing" , s.getpeername()                    # Stop listening for input on the connection                    poller.unregister(s)                    s.close()                    del message_queues[s]        elif flag & select.POLLHUP :            #A client that "hang up" , to be closed.            print " Closing ", s.getpeername() ,"(HUP)"            poller.unregister(s)            s.close()        elif flag & select.POLLOUT :            #Socket is ready to send data , if there is any to send            try:                next_msg = message_queues[s].get_nowait()            except Queue.Empty:                # No messages waiting so stop checking                print s.getpeername() , " queue empty"                poller.modify(s,READ_ONLY)            else :                print " sending %s to %s" % (next_msg , s.getpeername())                s.send(next_msg)        elif flag & select.POLLERR:            #Any events with POLLERR cause the server to close the socket            print "  exception on" , s.getpeername()            poller.unregister(s)            s.close()            del message_queues[s]